Onboarding employees with Kanban

Onboarding employees with Kanban

This article focuses on the ways in which the principles of Kanban can be used to improve on the process of onboarding employees. The onboarding tasks are visualized on the Kanban board and WIP limits are set, which make the work of companies easier and new employees can also work more efficiently. The article describes typical onboarding issues, explains what processes are most usual in onboarding, and shows an example of the Kanban approach to onboarding a software engineer. It also shares advice on how to overcome some of the challenges that might be encountered while implementing the Kanban system to onboarding.

Companies help new employees adapt to their roles and corporate culture through onboarding (adaptation).

kanban onboarding

It involves filling in forms, conducting briefings, coordinating stereotypical training and assigning first tasks.

If well done it gives the employees the leeway in which they can optimally and readily adapt to a new working environment.

This is why Kanban is suitable in the onboarding process given the effectiveness it has when it comes to task management. Kanban boards can represent onboarding milestones and help the companies to optimize the flow of work, to identify the possible work front log jams, and to speed up new hires onboard process.

Thus, it can be stated that Kanban is a valuable effective approach towards enhancing the onboarding process as it positively affects the employee’s indoctrination within a company.


It is as follows that many organizations encounter challenges in the process of employee onboarding, thus determining the efficiency of the process and the feelings of the new worker.

employee onboarding current challenges

Here are some typical difficulties:

  • Time-consuming: Documents, orientation and other activities that are on any onboarding process take time hence affect organizational productivity.

  • Inconsistent processes: New hires are thus likely to produce mixed results since there is no strict orientation left that would help reduce knowledge or skills gaps.

  • Lack of Engagement: If the onboarding experience is not positive they tend to feel isolated or even abandon ship and this is not good for motivation or retention.

  • Task overload can slow down an employee's onboarding.

  • Feedback loops. New hires can react to a number of challenges such as having diverse expectations and unclear performance feedback.

Kanban for onboarding

It supports prototypes because, like everything mentioned so far, kanban can be used for onboarding. If there are new hire tasks, define them as best as possible in order to try and make them as tailored as possible.

improving employee onboarding with kanban

This may include some paper work, training programs, introduction to the members of your team, your first tasks among others.

Kanban board setup

  • Set up a kanban board. Onboarding may not easily be mapped to traditional process stages such as To Do, In Progress or Done. On the other hand, employ onboarding phases which include; Orientation, Training, Internship or Project Assignment. And a ‘new employee’ is made more conspicuous in their progress in the organization.

  • Set WIP limits for each stage. This limits the newbie's workload and helps them focus.

  • Place the task cards in the appropriate columns. When a new employee is onboarding, they move tasks across the board.

Defining onboarding workflow steps

Effective Kanban onboarding requires a thoughtful process.

defining onboarding workflow stages

Typical workflow:

  • Orientation. In this strategy the new hire should be oriented on the organizational culture, the values and expectations of the company.

  • Documentation. To signings, acquire new hires’ identification, completed contracts, tax forms, policy acknowledgements and the like.

  • Training: In this phase, the new employee is formally taught something and is taught to make use of learning modules online or any other module.

  • Mentorship, internship. An employee, for instance, gets close attention and counsel from a particular person who is his or her mentor.

  • Integration includes assigning initial tasks, organizing new employees into teams, and helping them work.

  • Feedback and Evaluation: Another way is to have check-ups to talk about some problems, about the developments, and about the results as well can help new hires to accustom.

Kanban cards move from left to right as they are executed.

Create and manage task cards

  • According to the view of Kanban, we have one thing called task cards. These cards are depicting new hiring challenges.

  • For every task card, the following need to be captured: a description, due date and resources or contacts.

Working with task cards

For Kanban adaptation, therefore, task card management is needed. “Orientation” though not all encompassing is part of the first steps that are taken during the onboarding process. In the organization, new employees hand over cards as an indication that they have achieved certain tasks.

The role of WIP limits in adaptation

Therefore, constraints are the key to onboarding. Reducing the number of active tasks within a day reduces your work list and also gives all your concentration towards achieving these tasks.

WIP limits decline the new employees’ opportunity to be flooded with the amount of work. So that you can minimize your cognitive load, when one task is being assigned it will solely be about that assignment.

WIP limits also mean that bottlenecks are easily noticed and can therefore be addressed appropriately. A buildup of tasks at a particular stage means that there is an issue.

Visualization and monitoring of the adaptation process

Some areas where things can be tracked using Kanban include onboarding. The board displays new employees and managers’ goals and achievements.

example of kanban onboarding

In the process of onboarding, new hires are able to see and even better understand the current tasks through the use of kanban by moving cards. One of the benefits prevents the identification of the tasks that have been done, those that are in progress, and those that are still in dreams while showing where there is a congestion.

Kanban onboarding

A software technology firm is seeking to recruit a software engineer. Kanban for customization:

  • "Company Orientation" is the header of the “Tasks” column. Welcome the new employee and give him or her the necessary information needed about the company’s culture, organizational structure, rules and regulation.

  • Documentation: Tax returns, benefits, signing for insurance and other such procedure.

  • Training: To the Training column, the following options are provided, security, software development lifecycle, and enterprise tool and software training.

  • Mentorship: a column with internship tasks.

  • Integration: Where, “Development environment setup” is categorized under integration and “First coding task” is also categorized under integration.

  • Feedback and Evaluation: Even such cards as “Weekly meeting with the manager” mean reviews as they are considered as recurring cards.

New software engineers move task cards as they go through onboarding.

Overcoming Potential Obstacles

Kanban for onboarding may have some drawbacks. Here's how to contact them:

  • Resistance to Change: This might work well in the theoretical framework but in practice, team members may resist a new system. Open discussion, benefits, and training make engagement possible.

  • Misinterpretation of WIP Limits: While others will regard freezing the number of ongoing projects as a speed constraint. A concentration on how these constraints enhance quality and concentration should be rather than the result.

  • Overcomplicating: Do not make the boards overcrowded or overly complex as this may be very hard to understand by new employees. Make the board easy and straight to the point, only highlighting core tasks which are associated with onboarding.

  • Lack of Engagement: Engaging onboarding can really help to get the new hires motivated. The highly recommended type of training is an interactive training or engaging in team building.

  • Inconsistent Feedback: But this is something that must be done on a regular basis. Give feedbacks and assistance through continuous assessment and monitoring of the progress of students through progress review or meetings.


Applying the principles of kanban positively impact onboarding processes’ transparency, tasks assignments, and employees’ engagement. Onboarding can be easily monitored through the card which is moved through the workflow steps depicted on the board and this is important to the new hires and managers.

overcoming potential obstacles of kanban onboarding

Work In Progress limits keep the work from getting out of hand and enables one to work on one thing at a time. This visually structured approach is much effective when it comes to on boarding as it will enhance the probability of new employees assimilation into the organization.


How can Kanban help with remote onboarding?

Thus, cross-functional, especially IT onboarding, is well facilitated through the application of Kanban since it is greatly based on visual aids and will help keep remote workers productive as well as engaged due to the connection made with the team.

What are some creative ways to use Kanban for onboarding?

Some ideas to be introduced in practice are the possibility of using individual Kanban boards for every new employee, motivation through implementing rewards after the performance of tasks, as well as using cards of different colors which will mean something different.

How often should you review and update your Kanban onboarding system?

As with any Lean manufacturing process you need to revisit the Kanban onboarding process at least every 6 months in order to assess it’s effectiveness and suitability.

Can Kanban be used for onboarding in industries other than software development?

Definitely, Kanban principles can be used in onboarding in different fields like healthcare, manufacturing, or finance; it is necessary to adjust the steps of a Kanban board and the types of tasks to the industry.

How can you measure the success of your Kanban onboarding process?

Collect measurable results for time-to-productivity, new hire retention, and satisfaction indices to rate your case Kanban onboarding system.

What role does technology play in Kanban onboarding?

There are multiple benefits, such as real time collaboration, automated scheduling and follow-up, tracking of the onboarding process using Digital Kanban tools.

How can you involve existing employees in the Kanban onboarding process?

Ask your knowledgeable team members to contribute to the onboarding process through creating cards on Kanban board or being helpful to the new employees.

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